Dear Drunk Drivers,
Yes, all of you. Tipsy or's still considered drunk. Why are you on the road? Why are you putting your life and the lives of others at risk?
If you can't walk straight, what makes you think that you can drive straight? When you go out for the night, plan ahead. There are so many options besides putting your life on the line. For instance, call a cab/Uber, friend, designated driver or walk; but under no circumstances should you be getting behind the wheel. I understand what you are going through—sometimes you may think that there is no option. There is. You have just have to make sure you have a back up plan. You have to keep things in perspective because you don't know what could happen. You could get in a severe accident and sometimes it could be minor, but others times it's serious enough to involve death. If that death is yours, think about the people you would be leaving behind, the people you never got a chance to say goodbye. If it's the death that is a result of your drunk driving, don't think, "It wasn't me, so I can drink and drive again." No, think about the family that is asking, "Why them?" Think of all the people that are affected by that death, the people that loved and cared for them.
Would you tell your friends to drink and drive? Would you tell your family to drink and drive? No? I didn't think so, so if you wouldn't let them do it, why do you think you can?
No one, and I repeat no one, is a "good" drunk driver. Forget about the legal limit. A beer is a beer, and a shot is a shot. It doesn't matter if it's one or five. At no point should you look at your friends, say "let's go," hop in the car and go for a joy ride. Don't be stupid; be safe. It takes one accident to change a life, including yours. Don't wait until that one accident to get you to change your mind.
Sober up, be safe, and don't put another life at risk. Drive sober or get pulled over.
So again I ask you: why are you on the road?