Yes, I am a Republican and yes I am happy Donald Trump won the election. However, this does not mean I am sexist, racist, or xenophobic. It means that I am ready for a change to occur in America.
I am tired of all the free handouts. I am tired of the 'we all get trophies here, even the losers' attitude. I am tired of other countries attempting to bully us around. I am tired of ILLEGAL immigrants coming in and taking jobs from other Americans. I am also tired of hearing that this election "proved a woman can be more qualified than a man and still not get the job." What about working for something you want? Has that become a foreign concept in the United States? Trump wanted to help this country and he worked hard to become the president-elect, he did it without needing money from foreign countries to fund his campaign also. I am tired of the lies.
I do not understand how Clinton can get the rapist of a 12-year-old girl off on all charges and still sit there and say she is an advocate for young girls and women. The two just do not go together. Trump is not sexist, he pays his employees the same amount based on their qualifications, whether they are male or female. The media took comments that were made years ago privately and made it relevant today. Quite frankly, it is hypocritical to say he was belittling women with his 'locker room talk' when girls do the same thing every single day, it is just excusable because they are women.
There are many people saying Trump hates people who are gay and that he is going to destroy all the LGBTQ progress made within the last few years. If the president-elect actually feels this way, why would he let Caitlyn Jenner choose what bathroom she wanted to use, men or women? Conversion therapy has also become a hot topic this election. However, all that was said was that it is available if wanted. Not that it needs to be used.
I am tired of saying I voted for him because I am a white privileged citizen. There are plenty of interviews out there where employees of Trump, who are of different ethnic descents, both men and women, say no discrimination has ever occurred. Trump is not the next Hitler, he does not believe in white supreme power and there are plenty of examples of this that the media chooses to ignore.
Quite frankly, I am tired of having to defend myself for choosing to vote for Trump. Sure, I do not agree with everything he says, but on important topics such as gun control, abortion, illegal immigrants, and cutting back spending, I am right there with him. It is my right.
Lastly, to the people saying he is 'not your president', he is, and if you don't like it you can leave the country. Until that happens, give him a chance, he earned it.