Dear December 2017 Me,
How was your year? First, let me get the shallow questions out of the way: Did Twenty One Pilots come out with a new album? Did you get to go to any more rock concerts? Did you get a new phone?
On a more serious note, how much of an adult are you? No pressure, but I hope 23 year old college graduate Jen is further along in that process than 22 year old college senior Jen. Are you living on your own? Do you at least have a job? An internship? Even if you're not as far along as you should be, remember the important thing is to be working your hardest at whatever you do.
What was your favorite part of 2017? What was your least favorite part? I hope 2017 was better than 2016. What has God been teaching you? Is there a church you've been regularly attending? Much like the adulting thing, remember the important thing is to be making the effort to learn more about God's love.
lthyHow is your social life? Are you in healthy friendships devoted to mutually building one another up?
I'm sure you've done great this year, Jen. Remember the important things are to work hard, love God and others. Oh, and to keep writing. But you already knew that.
December 2016 Jen