Dear Dan Turner
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Dear Dan Turner

Perspectives From A Women In Her 20's

Dear Dan Turner

Dear Dan Turner,

I know that you don't know me and I don't know you but I am a woman in my 20's and I have a few things that I would like to say to you. Before you assume; yes I have read your letter in its entirety ( To be completely honest with you I think reading the whole thing, rather than the section that went viral, has actually increased my anger toward this whole ordeal.

I think, personally, that you have put your child in this god-like light, high on a pedestal, where he has no place being. Do not get me wrong, I understand that every father has the right to love and cherish their child but to live your life trying to convince the world that your CHILD is perfect is not what we will ever believe. I'm going to be very frank in the fact that the first six paragraphs of your letter mean nothing to anyone. Nobody cares that your son wanted to go Stanford. Nobody cares that he was accepted with a 4% rate of acceptance. Nobody cares how you helped him study for that spelling test because it's very clear that 'consent' wasn't one of the words on that list. Every parent has the obligation to teach their child right from wrong and you failed at that. I could care less if your son was attending a school that you can now see what toxic to him. I personally attended a school for two and a half years that was toxic to me and instead of violating someone in an attempt to fit in, I transferred. I filled out an application to a school that was CLOSER TO HOME and I made a vow to better my college experience. So while you blame Stanford's alcohol culture I'll be the first to tell you that nearly ever school in the United States has an "alcohol culture" and people are able to live and contribute to society no matter what. Another thing that you failed in doing was teaching your son that you do not always have to fit it to thrive in the world. Here you are saying how your son was loved by everyone and that he has never had an issue making friends, yet in nearly the next sentence you explain how your son felt the need to drink to fit in.

I'm done with those ridiculous six paragraphs that you wasted your time writing. Again, I understand your need to defend your son but the fact that you have completely neglected the feelings of your CHILD'S VICTIM is disgusting. On to the part of your letter that everyone has read and picked apart. Is it overdone? Maybe.. But now, it's my turn.

As it stands now, your son ruined another person's life. As it stands now, the ruling in Brock's trial has caused victims of "sexual assault" or RAPE, in this case, to further lose faith in the justice system. Let's go part by part because I want you to see this from a female that is around the age of your son's victim.

1) Did you ever think about how that poor woman is never going to be her happy go lucky self again either? That woman will spend the rest of her life scared and ashamed about something that she didn't have any control over. That woman will most likely spend her "every waking moment consumed with worry, anxiety, fear, and depression."

2) I personally don't a rat's ass that Brock liked steak. It's good that he doesn't really have an appetite for it anymore because I'm almost 99% sure that they don't participate in 'Steak Sunday's' in jail. That woman has favorite foods too but that didn't save her so why should it save him?

3) You talk about how the verdict shattered your family's world but how do you think that woman felt sitting in front of her parents? Having to tell them that a stranger was inside of her while she was unconscious behind a dumpster? How do you think that family feels that their daughter's piece of mind was taken and your prissy ass child gets only 3 months in jail? I'm sure that it does suck that all his achievements in life were for nothing but whose fault is that? NOT HERS, THAT'S FOR DAMN SURE.

4) 20 MINUTES OF ACTION . The fact that you had the audacity to say that 20 minutes of action shouldn't affect his 20 years of life literally makes me want to punch a wall. See you even say that 20 minutes can ruin someone's life yet you seem to forget that those 20 minutes also ruined your CHILD'S VICTIMS life and it blows my effing mind. Those 20 minutes will forever alter how that woman lives, how she will function in society, how she will trust people, how she will define relationships and those 20 minutes stole all of her security because of your child.

5) You're angry that your son has to register as a sex offender.... why is that? He raped an unconscious woman, that's a sexual offense and everyone should be aware and able to protect themselves from people like that so get the hell over it.

6) Probation is not the answer and your son teaching people is the worst idea I've ever heard. That's all I have to say about the last part of that.

7) Nothing about this letter was very respectful to his victim so next time pick a different saying.

The last thing that I want to say to you is that people like you in this world is why everything is so fudged up. The fact that you are essentially making your son feel like he can get away with this is disgusting. People like your son are the reason that I have lost faith in humanity and why I have decided to not have children. I refuse to bring another person into this world where fathers are not teaching their sons that a woman is to be respected and that NO means NO. Or furthermore that if a woman is unconscious then you should help her instead of violating her. Women are scared to walk alone at night because of people like Brock. I pray the world changes, I pray that this woman is able to live a successful life and that she is able to recover. I know that I could wish that Brock went to prison but unfortunately, that is not was the case is. But I am sound in believing that Brock will have his judgment day when he meets his maker and I pray to God that day is everything that woman hopes that it is. It blew my mind that Brock had the nerve to say that she consented when she rubbed his back. But I know that he will regret that statement in jail. He'll soon realize that a back rub means nothing in the way of consent.

I understand that you will probably never see this and even if you do I know that all of this will go in one ear and out the other. However, I felt the need to write this because I think that you need to see how off base you are. I truly hope that the rest of your children are able to learn from this. I can only hope for justice that may never come but now it's your time to realize that Brock is not the popular kid in this situation that you chalk him up to be.

Very Respectfully,

A Woman in her 20's

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