Over the last eighteen years of my life there has been one man that has stood by me, my dad. He is someone I have always looked up to and admired.
My dad has taught me the most valuable lessons in life and continues to each day. Now that I am in college and away from home, I find myself taking his advice into more careful consideration. Dad, there are many things I have learned from you, but here are a few of the important ones:
You taught me it is okay to fall sometimes. This happens more often than I wish it would, but I know that failing is a part of life. The only thing that matters is how I recover from the bad times. You helped me learn that when one door closes another one opens. Your tough love helped make me stronger. When I was younger, I would act like a baby to get attention from you or mom. You never gave in which is something that helped me grow. I learned that acting like a child will not get me what I want. Sometimes even nowadays I want to throw a tantrum to get where I want to go, but I don't because of this lesson I learned from you.
You taught me the way a boy should treat me. Watching you and mom as I grew up gave me a clear picture of the kind of guy I want to marry someday. You treat her with respect, and you provide for your family. Those are two things that I will always find important for a future husband to have. You gave me my sense of humor. My high school teachers have pointed it out along with many of my friends. I get my humor from you. This is something I am proud of because everyone finds you funny. Even on a day where I feel like being the grumpiest person alive, you manage to make me laugh. Normally this makes me incredibly angry, but I am still thankful for your stupid jokes.
You taught me that work is a part of life. Whether it is helping mom set the table or working a real job like I do now, I know it is important because of you. Work is something that everyone has to do in life. You are the hardest worker I know, and I respect you for that. I hope to be as successful as you someday. The most important thing you have done throughout all of these years is support me through all of my dreams. You told me that I can be anything I want to. These are words that I took quite seriously. I know that no matter what life ambition I have now and in the future, you will be there to encourage me.
I have realized that no matter how old or independent I am, I will always need you. Thank you for all the unconditional love and support. It is truly something that helped me have a happy childhood and is helping me create a successful future for myself. I love you and you will always be my hero, dad.
Love, your daughter.