Dear dad,
I know you're scared, I'm growing up, I'm starting to become more independent, more mature, I'm turning into that adult that you wished I would be. Back when I was that 5 year old girl who wouldn't stop running around the house screaming and laughing, no matter how bad your head hurt you tried your hardest not to yell at me. I know I don't always make you smile and happy, and I will do things that you may disagree with and I'm sorry but I'm trying to be happy. I'm trying to do what I feel will benefit my life best. But I want you to always remember that I will always be your little girl. Yes, I will make guy friends, and I will find my Prince Charming that I've been dreaming about since I was a little girl. I also know that once you meet that Prince Charming you will feel as though he isn't good enough for me, but I promise you dad if I brought him to meet you, he treats me like the princess I should be treated like. But you will always be the first man I fell in love with, and I couldn't thank you enough for all you do for me. Thank you for keeping the roof over my head, keeping food on the table, having a bed to sleep in at night, helping pay for college, and most importantly loving our family and putting us first no matter what. Yes we fight, and yes there has been tears but I know I got lucky getting a dad like you. There are some people in this world today that have never met their father, and some who don't even talk to their dad. I'm one of the lucky ones to still have you in my life no matter how much stress I caused, and how many grey hairs I've caused you. You really don’t know how much your advice means to me. You may think it goes in one ear and out the other, but it doesn’t. Thanks to you, I am the person I am today. I promise, you don’t have to worry. I love you dad❤️
Always & forever,
Your little girl❣️