To the very, very, very, very, very passionate fans of anyone or anything, I am asking with a heavy heart and good intentions that you please calm down. I love those celebrities and other various famous things a whole lot too, but I paid just as much as you did to see this concert, and I would like to enjoy myself.
Now before I move on, it is important to note that I am fangirl myself. I proudly follow The Bachelor Franchise. I watch it every week. I watch every spin-off, and I fiercely discuss the most recently televised drama with my friends and family casually over dinner. I also indulge regularly in K-Pop. I confidently mumble through all of the Korean lyrics, admire Korean men's dancing and rapping abilities, and waste too much time wishing to be G-Dragon's friend (I don't expect the average reader to know who he is, so here's his Wikipedia page to check out for fun!).
I have many guilty pleasures. However, I do not cry at the sight of celebrities. When I say that I want them to have all of my babies, I'm only joking...85.7 percent of the time. My passionate belting of the lyrics and my designated dancing space do not bother too many people. However, your unhinged, borderline-scary concert behavior should be refined. As your screams barely miss reaching the level of decibels only heard by dogs, I am right next to you trying my very best to enjoy the same concert.
I don't mean to start a fan war with this article. That is the very last thing that I want to do. Trust me. I only want some fanatics to relax. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Realize that these celebrities are just normal people like you and me. Yes, they much more talented, attractive, and dreamy than myself, but they probably grew very tired of fans ruthlessly and mercilessly screaming at them and telling them to take off their shirts a long, long time ago.
Please don't cry that much. It seriously worries me. And, please don't obsessively document the entire concert using your phone, camera, tablet, your friend's phone and laptop. It seriously distracts me. Instead, just relax, and don't take yourself too seriously. It's okay to laugh at yourself. The best fans are the ones who have the most fun and who can poke fun at themselves. Just check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Love, Your Fellow Fangirl.