Dear conservatives, I have written this letter to you in the hope that you will read it instead of being ignorant towards those with different points of view.
You see the true problem in this country begins with you.
Yes, neither party is perfect but why is it that you whine about how all Democrats are whiny, sensitive "snowflakes" when you elected a man who took time out of his day to tweet about how a comedic TV show was "biased" and "unfunny" because it didn't make him look good? The same man who called the other Presidential nominee a "nasty woman" when he didn't agree with her. Also, the same man who got in a screaming match with CNN at a press conference because he doesn't agree with their way of reporting the news?
Why is it that you claim all democrats and liberals do is riot in the streets, destroy their own towns and mooch off of everybody else but completely turn your backs when white people do the same when their favorite sports team loses? Why are you not willing to pay a little more in taxes so youth can afford to go to college but you're willing to pay extra so President Snowflake's family can rest their heads upon their silk pillow cases in Trump Tower instead of the white house?
Why are you still consistently telling Black Lives Matter that they're a hate group while you're at the same time tweeting about how assaulting Nazis isn't the way to go? Why are you calling them thugs and criminals while sitting on your couch and watching a new TV show on A&E where it follows around and glorifies the modern day Ku Klux Klan?
Republican states- why is it that you're so pro-life yet many of you lead the nation in your use of the death penalty. Yes, Texas I am looking at you. You're so pro-life that I've seen several interviews where your citizens actually brag about how often you guys execute convicted murderers. Yeah yeah, "The criminals gave up the right to their life by committing horrific acts". I just find great pleasure in pointing out the hypocrisy that is calling yourself pro-life while half of your state brags about how often you guys kill other humans. Anyway. Speaking of being pro-life, if you don't want abortions then why do you want to get rid of welfare? So the women who you forced to keep the child they didn't want can no longer afford to raise them?
Why is it that you all absolutely adore Tomi Lahren who "tells it like it is" and calls us liberals snowflakes in every other sentence that comes out of her gigantic angry mouth, yet she's still tweeting about Hillary Clinton and Colin Kaepernick? Doesn't that seem a little snowflakey to you? No? Okay, maybe it's just me. What about that time she ranted for not one, not two, but three days about the peaceful Women's March because she thinks it was a pointless march that made other women in other countries embarrassed (completely ignoring the fact that four million people on all seven continents marched). Still not a snowflake? No? Alright.
It just seems to me that with all the whining and complaining you guys do you could at least find something productive and something that makes sense to whine about. Like, oh I don't know. The fact that Flint, Michigan hasn't had clean water since 2014. Or that when President Snowflake wants to defund Planned Parenthood it's going to make it nearly impossible for women (more specifically poor women- hint-hint the majority of whom live in red states) to receive care that could prevent cancer. Maybe instead of worrying about what women are doing with their bodies, you could worry about the fact that there are nearly 430,000 children in foster care waiting to be adopted. You could worry about the fact that in Upstate New York in the middle of January it was 60 degrees (maybe this is just an alternative fact though who knows). Or you could worry about the fact that your President is promoting his wives jewelry line on the White House website. But hey, what do I know? I'm just a whiny snowflake.