I love dogs. They have the ability to make you feel better when you are sad or anxious or angry and that is just such a wonderful thing to have. Humans are blessed to be allowed to walk on the same planet as dogs. Although I love all dogs I very much love my dog. His name is Coda and he is a 12 and a half-year-old black lab and he also happens to be my best friend. I spent every day of the summer hanging out with him, but then in August I moved three hours away to go to college. As odd as it may sound, I really miss spending time with and talking to him on a daily basis. Being away from him for so long has been hard on me because he is getting old, so I wanted to take the time to write him a short letter just to let him know that I am thinking about him.
Dear Coda,
You are my best friend. Every time I see you I light up because you have the ability to make everyone smile and just feel a little less afraid. You have been a part of our family for over 12 years now and I cannot imagine what it is going to be like when you have to cross the rainbow bridge into death, but no one needs to think about that right now. I got you when I was five years old and now I am eighteen and away for college. You have literally seen everything that I have done throughout my life (that I can remember anyways) and you have always been there for me to lean on when I was having a rough time.
I want you to know that you are the most adorable dog in the whole world. I love the cute begging faces you make when the family is eating dinner or even if you think that we might have something food related. I love how you let me use you as a pillow when my head hurts because your warmth helps the pain go away. I love how you will sit beside me in the yard while I read a book, so I have company. I love how you love me no matter what and are always overly joyed to see me no matter how long it has been. They say best friends are hard to find, but they were not wrong when they said dog was woman's best friend.
I miss you tons and I wish you could live in my dorm room with me. I know you would freak out, but it would be nice to be able to cuddle you whenever I wanted to. I will be home soon and I cannot wait to see you!
I love you Coda Boy!
Your human best friend