Dear Christian Guys,
Hey, it’s your sister in Christ. I wanted to write a quick letter to you all and say that when you stand up for what you believe, when you show the love of Christ and when you are reaching out, there is a whole secret society of Christian girls cheering.
This may sound weird and in some cases it is true. No, we don’t have weekly meetings but my point is there are Godly girls out there. Like you guys, we are not as outspoken as the ones you usually let steal your attention.
We are not ones to chase you because we believe that is your job so simply put, if you like us you better tell us. We won’t ask. We want you to like us enough to say something. I know this has to be hard because hey you’ve been hurt before but we are not your exes. We are not the “typical girl”.
The girls who know who they are in Christ will not push you. We hold ourselves accountable and we want the same things as you. We want the healthy, Godly relationship and we know our worth. We believe that God has the right person for us and maybe you’re him but we trust God.
We want to see you take a chance on us. There is a chance we won’t have the same feelings but what if we do. And hey, if we don’t then at least you tried and we can work on being friends so you can find the right one.
We don’t want to waste your time and we don’t want ours wasted either. We may drop casual hints at times but many of us won’t be in your face and you might even wonder if we like you at all.
Be our friend first. I cannot stress this enough and if she is talking about another guy take her at her word. She likes him. Girls that play the game of saying to you they like someone else but really like you are not mature enough for a healthy relationship so don’t play that game either.
The thing I see most often with Christian guys and girls is letting past relationships ruin them for potential new ones. We are all guilty of letting the fears of past relationships hurt us now. Don’t do it. Sally isn’t Kara or whoever she is, is not your ex.
Be yourself. Seriously…the right girl will like you for all the things you think no one will. She is human and will have things for you to look past too. Please don’t place us on a pedestal. We don’t belong there any more than you do.
Be honest. Know where you are and pray about it. This might sound cliché but seriously, you pray about the things closest to your heart. God knows who you are going to marry and if this girl is the right one. Let Him lead you.
Treasure her. Treasure your future wife today. Pray for her. This girl might be her or might not be. God is with your girl right now. You never know what she is going through. Maybe she has given up on the right guy…maybe you know her and she is doubting you care. Whatever the case, God knows and He is writing your love story. Regardless, she needs your prayers.
You never know how you can encourage someone by being you. So leave it in God’s hands and don’t be afraid to ask her out. Try a coffee “date” or just hang out. Get to know her for her and above all, love her as a sister in Christ and someone’s future wife. She might be yours but she might not too so take care.
Never despise meager beginnings and know if anything is going to happen chances are, you have to make the first move. Don’t leave her wondering or make her feel backed into a corner. Go and see, all she can do is say no and then at least you know.