Dear Cancer,
I hate you. I hate everything you do with your pathetic life. Latching yourself onto the kind and brave-hearted and ripping them down to bow beneath you. I hate the why you bring endless tears and sadness with just the mention of your name. Six letters that make up one measly word that brings a tidal wave of destruction and fear to the hearts and minds of our loved ones.
Dear cancer, I hate that you feel as though you are unstoppable. The mightiest of diseases who stands upon a pedestal, refusing to be intimidated by our new medicines and technology. The way that you smirk when many of your victims discover that this is one fight they will not win. How dare you inflict your feeling of hopelessness and depression into the hearts of others.
Dear cancer, I hate your cowardice. Your tendency to sulk away in defeat only to reappear stronger than before. You are a coward. You do not fight fair. You are a disease, a nuisance, and a killer; and I feel no remorse in my loathing of you. You add no life and joy to the world, and there really wasn't enough to go around in the first place.
Dear cancer, I hate the way you rip away the ones we love most. The people who were not yet ready to leave. The pure soul's that still had unfinished business left on this earth. The ones whose families will soon become imcomplete. The ones who add so much life to the world. Those who have endless lessons and stories worth sharing, and simply need a little more time.
Dear Cancer,
I hate that you are soon to take my Grandmother away from me. And for that I will never forgive you.