Dear Amanda,
Hey, how have you been? How is everything on the other side of the state? How's your job going? It must be interesting every day, I could never imagine being a manager at a high traffic store. Being a sales associate gets tiring as it is. How's life in the 20s going? I couldn't imagine how that is either, being in my late teens is already getting to me. More importantly, how are you?
Me? Well, life has been pretty strange for me. I'm adapting to adulthood, and it's kind of rough, honestly. I'm not that great at balancing things, and responsibilities are really getting me down. Everyday seems to drag a little longer than the next one. It's tiring. I'm starting school again soon. I'm going to be a sophomore in college. Do you remember when you were in college? It seems like so long ago when you were packing up, ready to go off to school, but it's been what, only five years? To be completely honest, I was happy to see you go. I wasn't that nice of a sibling, was I?
You're getting married soon, that's something I'm still trying to comprehend. My sister, my only sister, is going to begin her own family soon. Soon, not only will you be an animal mom, you will be a wife. You'll have your own family soon, doing family things. This means that I'll possibly be an aunt soon. That's truly mind-blowing. My sister might own a little human soon, one that will grow up just like we did. This is why I'm writing this letter to you, to congratulate you on your marriage. The fact that you could find love (and someone to deal with your craziness) is truly inspiring. I'm so excited to watch you walk down the aisle and meet your love at the end. I'm truly excited to share this experience with you.
So Amanda, I wish you nothing but the best. I'll see you soon.
Your Sister. XO.