You don’t know the true definition of happiness 'til you’re dancing in your living room to "High School Musical" with your roommates. Well, thank you. I could say 'thank you' one trillion times but it would never be enough. Those words could never be strong enough for the appreciation I have for you. You have been there a countless number of times. The nights I cried over a stupid boy or a bad grade on a test, or stressing about the homework we haven’t done yet, or the girl nights we have. I love doing everything together, even if it’s going to get some toilet paper from the store. Thank you for listening to my problems and letting me take my anger out on you. Thank you for hanging out in my room when you knew I was feeling down. Thanks for sharing your closets and make-up with me.
Most importantly, thank you for letting me be me and being OK with that. You let me get way too excited over cute boys, only because you were obsessing over them right along with me. You were probably happier for me than I was when a cute boy asked for my number or asked me on a date. You never got jealous that it wasn’t you, you were happy for me like a true friend. You always understand the times I couldn’t or didn’t want to go out because either I didn’t want to or I had homework. You look over me like my mom because you care about me and want me to be the best I can be.
College can be a scary thing, moving away from your family and home towns. You guys made the transition smooth, and that was something that was so important to me. You guys took me in, showed me around and made it feel like home away from home. As much as we have each other we can all relate to the fact that we miss our moms. We cry together, we get scared together, we get angry together, and we are unstoppably the best team together. Not only will you be standing right by me on my wedding day, but you guys are what I call life long friends.
Yes, we get annoyed and yell at each other from time to time, it’s only because we are basically sisters. Although we are not blood-related, we are family, because family is more than blood. You guys are my family and I wouldn’t trade you for the world. I know I always have two of the most special girls right by my side 24/7. You guys are my side kicks, my partners in crime, and my best friends. Thanks for being you.