We all have those best friends that we would go to the end of the world for, and unfortunately, mine's twelve hours, four states, and 823 miles away. To some, he's a stupid boy that I should probably just forget about, but I could never do that. No matter how serious or stupid some of our fights are, no matter the distance, he's half of my heart, and I love him more than anything. Anyways...
Dear Best Friend,
Thank you for always being by my side even though you cannot physically be by my side, though I only hope that you will be sometime in the near future. Thank you for letting me call you every day, even if we don't really talk the entire time, you're still there to comfort me. You let me call you late at night when I'm scared to walk home by myself or when I get out of a test where I thought I failed, but you know I didn't. You let me call and complain about things that you have no control over, like people being mean or me just being mad at the world. I honestly cannot get through a day without you, well, I probably could, but I don't want to.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I've gotten so attached to you. I honestly feel like an overbearing, clingy girlfriend half the time, but I feel like we've accepted that fact, that we're practically an old married couple. I'm sorry that I get angry or jealous over stupid small things that I shouldn't. I'm sorry that I wish you were here all the time, even though I know you can't be, and I know that you can't control it. I'm sorry that I get upset randomly and can't explain myself, even though I know you're just trying to help. I love you for trying.
Overall I want to tell you how much I love and adore you, as I don't tell you enough. It's quite obvious that I love you. I honestly could be with you for the rest of my life and be okay. You are so much more than you see yourself as. You have such potential for anything you could possibly do in life, regardless of where either of us end up in life, whether you're in Europe and I'm in NYC, you will always have a special place in my heart, love.
All in all, you inspire me. You make me want to see myself the way that you see me. You inspire me to reach this full potential that you see that I can't. You make me want to achieve my dreams and more. You make me feel like I'm the most amazing person in the world, though we both know I'm not. Thank you for doing all of this for me. Thank you for being my rock and my backbone, even when I feel like I don't have one. You're the most amazing man, I've ever met and I don't know what I'd do without you.
Te amo,
Your best friend who feels like she's a million miles away.
P.S.: I can't wait to see you.