Dear Baby Boomers,
Stop trying to convince us millennials that we are doing everything wrong. The amount of times I have heard a boomer refer to my generation as "lazy" and "whiners" is astounding. I want to first address the fact that that frame of mind just does not make sense. Millennials are working our asses off to try to clean up the mess your generation created. What mess am I talking about? The economy. You blame us for whining about college and whining about money and whining about getting jobs. Why are we whining? Because your generation colossally screwed us over, so yeah we whine, but what else are we supposed to do when we can't find a job, we are tens of thousands of dollars in debt, we can't afford a house, and we never learned how to cope with being denied things because our parents gave us a trophy for every single thing we did. I know college students working four jobs that have as much financial aid as they were eligible for that are still twenty thousand dollars in debt and they're just in their junior year of college. That same student is going to get out of college with their Bachelor's and struggle to find a job. Then, after finally working off some of their debt, they're going to buy a house and end up in hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt again. Yes, boomers had some debt, but not nearly as large of debt as millennials are facing, so of course we're "whiny", we're screwed and we're scared. As if that hasn't been hard enough, we're also facing the worst our environment has ever been. For the first time, some of us have to wonder where we are going to get clean water. Some of us are wondering when our land is going to erode. Some of us are wondering when the marine life in our local rivers is going to become so toxic we can no longer use it for food. I didn't write this article to bash boomers, and I know this may seem like I did, but I wrote this article I wrote this article to explain to all the boomers calling my generation "whiners" why we are this way. I wrote this article to vent about how much it hurts when I hear boomers bashing my generation. So boomers, I'm sorry sorry if this sounds like I'm attacking you, but my generation has been being attacked for years now, maybe now you'll know how it feels and maybe now you'll think twice before attacking us; we're just trying to live the life we've always been promised.
A Proud Millennial