Dear America,
I cannot tell you how glad I am this election is over. How truly excited I am that I no longer have to turn on the T.V. and see those campaign ads. At least I was excited for it to be over until the day after.
I am not going to sit here and tell you that I am glad a certain candidate won or tell you how utterly disappointed I am with the people of this nation right now because of the way they voted. I will not shove hatred or resentment down your throats.
I am not going to sit there on social media and brag about who was elected. I am not going to sit there and write statuses generalizing the public or the silent majority.
What I am going to do is take a stand.
Yes, the two choices we had were not ideal one bit, but we stood behind one or the other, or maybe even a third party. Maybe you decided that America is not worth it and you did not vote at all because all you see in your eyes is violence.
Let me tell you what I see. I see a nation that is even more divided in two days than it has been in over 30+ years. I see people on social media saying if they supported a certain candidate, they will no longer be friends with them. I see people arguing over false views and things that the media has spewed and made you believe is true. I see friends becoming enemies. And that is just utterly disappointing.
Election time came and went, yet here we are still arguing. We are arguing rather than coming together. Yes I am so sorry America to say, Donald Trump is our 45th president. That does not in anyway, shape or form, excuse the violence. It does not make it ok for people who did not vote for him to be bragged to, the people who did to be fearful of the own city they live in.
I get it, some no longer feel safe. Some may no longer see a bright future, but guess what, that is not because of who is becoming president in January, it is because of the hate we spew to one another. It is because of the divide we have on our own created.
This candidate that got elected is because America felt as though it needed a change from the norm. Isn't that what every politician who was elected to this high-ranking position hopes to be? The change.
I am fearful for the first time in my life, not because of my leader, but because of the people of this amazing nation.
This nation, although far from perfect, is a nation built on hope and opportunity. A nation that has faced some of the worst tragedies and some of the best achievements. A nation who is granted this amazing gift to vote for a new leader and governing body. A nation who has many voices instead of one.
It is time to put differences aside, time for the mourning to stop. It is time for you to walk outside and hug your friend. Be grateful for the differences in opinion you share with others because that is what makes you, you. It is time for you to look up to the sky and see the sun is still shining. It is time for America to come together once again, and not depend on our new president to make the change, but for us to make that change.
Today is our day America, today is a new day. You can wake up and look at the glass half empty or half full. You have the choice. The world is looking at us now and it is time for us to show them the country we are.
United we stand, divided we fall.