Everyone knows as well as I do that college will get the best of you sometimes. The stress of keeping your grades up, having a job, and joining as many organizations as possible can, and will take a toll on you. But there are a couple things I want you to remember.
1. You are doing your best
In your four plus years of schooling, you will not get an A on every exam, quiz, paper, and homework assignment. It's just not probable but guess what. That is okay. That doesn't make you a bad student or show your lack of effort, it just means that you're human. You are trying and doing your best, keep telling yourself that.
2. Your appearance isn't everything
Everyone knows the phrase "look good, feel good" and although that may be true to a certain extent, everyone will understand why you're not in business casual clothing at your 8am class. We all understand that you were probably in the library until dawn finishing that paper, or exam, or quiz. We get that you are trying to sleep till the very last minute to make up for those late nights. It's okay to look like a hot mess sometimes. You made it to class and that's what counts, right?
3. Your major will change, but that's okay
We are in college, it's a crucial time to figure out what we want to do with our lives, but let me tell you something, you don't have to pick a major as a college freshman because you will change it but that is completely fine. Everyone expects us to know what we want to do with our lives at 18 and it's okay if you aren't sure yet. Take random classes, figure out what you love and pursue that career because it's yours. You don't have to know what you're doing right away, you have time to figure it out. Just do something.
4. You deserve to be here
You earned your spot at your school, you got accepted after all your hard work in high school paid off. You worked towards college and now you're working toward your degree. You should be proud to wear your school colors because it's like saying "I did this, I made it." You should be so proud of yourself for making it this far. That feeling that you got when opening your acceptance letter is the feeling you should carry with you throughout your college years. You deserve to be proud of all the hard work you've been putting in.
5. Don't be so hard on yourself
After failing an exam, or not getting that grade you wanted on a paper or quiz, you start doubting yourself. It's one grade, you have plenty of time to make up for it. Don't let that one grade make you doubt the way you think about yourself as a student. You are cut out for college, you can do it, it won't mess up your GPA. I promise. It's just one bad grade, remember that.
To sum this all up, be proud of your school. You've earned everything that you've accomplished, keep working hard and you will accomplish great things. Believe in yourself because I know you can do it. Do you?