We usually read letters of what we would tell ourselves if we could have met our 13-year-old self. However, I know that while I would have a couple of tips for my young self, 13-year-old me would have way more questions than I would have answers.
Dear 20-year-old me:
You literally did exactly everything I told you NOT to do.
After all that hard work and preparations during middle school… Why were you not cool in high school? Do you think you could consider yourself cool now in college? What are even the requirements to be cool in college?
Being cool isn’t “a thing” in college? What do you mean?
You’re 20 now, so you’re technically an adult… Why don’t you have a yacht and a full-time job? Why aren’t you engaged yet? What am I saying, you don’t even have a boyfriend.
Wait, having a boyfriend ISN’T your number one priority?
You hang out with people older than you, that’s kind of cool… But you also hang out with your BROTHER? But, he’s so much younger than you though! That is so not cool.
Wait, and your best friends are your parents? Could you not find anyone else to hang out with?
Why did you never pursue singing as a career? We wrote really beautiful songs together in that Hannah Montana notebook. Do you still even have that notebook?
Are you still the first one to always fall asleep in sleepovers?
Why don’t you ever have sleepovers anymore?
Why do you feel so much? About everything!
What does “lit” mean?
Why are we so hard on ourselves? Why do we tend to judge ourselves harsher than we judge others?
Why aren’t you studying something that’s going to make you a billionaire?
How did you get over not caring whether people would laugh at you or not? I still struggle with that one.
You are a feminist now? What does that mean? Is it scary? Do you have to walk naked in public? Can you still wear bras? Can you still shave? Can you be a feminist and be straight? Can I be a feminist too?
I think it’s kind of cool you are so comfortable with your body… How can I do that? Is that part of being a feminist?
If being a feminist helps you love yourself, why didn’t you learn about it sooner?
So let me get this straight… You’re a feminist. You’re straight. And you love makeup? And you’re doing awesome smokey eyes? This is so weird!
You drive… That’s cool too. Maybe you’re cooler than I thought.