Thank You.
I really mean it when I say thank you. I've come to realize that you haven't been all bad. In fact, you were good in a lot of ways.
Thank you for helping me see that all my flaws mean that I'm normal, not that I'm broken. Thank you for showing me that it is okay to stand up for myself and not to let people walk all over me and use me. Thank you for helping me remember to take care of myself and for showing me that self love is the best love.
Thank you for showing me the strength of my friendships and for helping me realize how many good friends I'm blessed to have. Thank you for the friends who said all the right things at the right time, even when they didn't know the whole situation. Thank you for the friends who always listened and were always brutally honest. Thank you for the friends who chose to confide in me.
Thank you for helping me realize that it's okay it be sassy even when I'd rather be sweet. Thank you for showing me that it's okay to have breakdowns. Thank you for showing me that there is a happy, healthy light at the end of every dark and sad tunnel.
Thank you for the challenging work assignments, opportunities for professional growth, and great coaching. Thank you for letting me meet some of the best coworkers who turned into some of my very best friends.
Thank you for helping me be comfortable opening up to my mom. Thank you for showing me that my mom can be my bestfriend. Thank you for letting me take such great advice from her.
Thank you for kicking me in the right direction to find the next great stage of my life; I have high hopes for what 2018 is going to bring.
Thank you for helping me appreciate what I have, and for giving me the desire to put all of this into words.
2017, you have been an unpredictable and a very emotional experience, but I wouldn't change a thing about all of the lessons you have taught me.