December 31st, 2015 I was sitting in my bed all by myself waiting for the night to end. I was already annoyed at the fireworks that were about to happen, at my dog about to be barking, and at the fact that all I wanted to do was sleep and for everyone to be quiet. I had no hopes for this year. No goals, no dreams, no motivation and no direction. It was just going to be another year of failing at figuring out my path in life. My education, my schooling, my purpose. I was expecting another year of mistakes, regret and disappointment as I waste the year doing nothing with myself. I entered the year the same way I thought I would end it, however, I am ending the year the complete opposite.
January was my first month not in high school. This was the month I realized I needed to fix myself mentally. I needed to let go of what didn’t matter, whom didn’t matter, and start thinking about my future. I started working full time, saving money, and took the first step to figuring out my life.
February was an eye-opening month for me. My mom took me to Palm Beach, Florida. It was there that I realized going to a big university was not something I should be doing. It was there I discovered my love for the ocean, and for Florida. It was there that I found true happiness. That was when I realized that I am going to work as hard as I can, to one day be able to live right on the sand that lines the Atlantic Ocean.
March I took a trip to Texas, a place I had never been. I used that time as family bonding time with my immediate and extended family. It was an exciting trip, as I have never been to Texas. That trip made me realize though that being away from my mom really makes me miss her.
April wasn’t exciting. I went on a date, it didn’t work out. I could have let it get to me, or I could use it as a positive experience. I took that as an opportunity to realize that I don’t need a boyfriend. I was happy single, and maybe that’s where I was meant to be in the time.
May I have had my high school graduation ceremony. I graduated early, so my last day was in December, but I was still able to attend the ceremony. I felt proud of myself as I sat in my chair that evening. I heard my name get called, I walked on stage, grabbed my diploma, and felt relief since I no longer had to attend that school ever again.
June was the month I started college at a junior college. Not to exciting, it’s just college. Halfway through this month I meant someone, and I knew that someone was the one. You know that saying “when you know, you know?” well the moment I met him, I knew.
July was spent with my new boyfriend, as I was so happily in love. We were together just about every day, and the few times we weren’t were spent on the phone and texting all day long. I did not want to be apart from him.
August I started online college. That was rough. I struggled, it was hard, and I hated it. I was in classes I didn’t like for a major I didn’t want. Finding motivation was rough, but somehow, I did. This was also the month my boyfriend had enlisted in the military. I was so sad, and I let it really get to me.
September was the month I became a manager at my job. I was given keys to the store, more responsibility and more money. It was exciting, stressful, and fun because I loved my coworkers.
October was a rough month for me. My boyfriend had left for basic training, and I had to adjust to this new life. No talking every day, not going to see him whenever I wanted, and no hanging out for 11 weeks. It was rough, but with the help of not only my family, but his as well, I was able to adjust pretty quick. At the end of this month I had left my job. It was an impulsive choice, but it was part of Gods plan for me. That was when the new job hunt began.
November I had found a new job at a bank. I liked it at first, and then grew to hate it. Dealing with mean people all day made my mental health issues start to reform. I worked so hard to fix them, that this was something I couldn’t handle, but I needed money so I sucked it up. I also turned 19 this month. Not an exciting age, but it’s my last of the teenage years. I also found a career. I want to go into journalism. The time with my boyfriend away has given me time to reflect on myself, and I found writing is my passion.
December is the month I actually quit my job. I really let it bring me down, so I found I needed to leave. That job helped me realize I want to go back to school, so I am. I enrolled in classes for January as a full-time student. My boyfriend also comes home this month. I get to see him for the first time in 11 weeks, and that is super exciting for his family and I.
This was a quick run through of my year, and reflecting upon everything makes me so grateful for everything that I have encountered throughout these 365 days.
December 21st, 2016 I am the happiest I have ever been. As I reflect on my year, I realize it was a year of blessings, emotions, self-discovery and many life lessons. Although it wasn’t a perfect year, it was a year full of new things, new experiences, and new people. A year full of happiness, joy, and hope. A year full of excitement, memories and passion.