Dear 13-Year-Old Me,
Writing this to you now, I know I probably shouldn’t because you have so much going on. Bear with me, though, I have some things to say that you absolutely need to hear.
Your make-up, honestly, is not that important.
Stop missing the bus because you’re spending 20 minutes trying to perfect your eyelashes. People will look at you the exact same way they would as if you weren’t wearing any at all. Nobody will remember that zit you have a year from now, or even a month from now. Oh yeah, and being able to rub your eyes without worrying about smudging goop all over your face is awesome.
Poop in public.
You know what else nobody is going to remember a year from now? The person that dropped a load in the stall next to them before third period. Public restrooms are there for a reason. Use them! It’s not awkward, I promise.
Change in the locker room.
Speaking of stalls, don’t change in them. Like I said, they’re there for a reason, which is toilet use. Just like those stalls, the locker room is there for a reason, which is changing. Everyone else in gym class is going through the same kinds of changes. Don’t be embarrassed about changing in front of them, and please, please, please, don’t prevent the pea bladders from using the restroom before class.
Boys aren’t stupid. You are.
You are a very smart girl, don’t get me wrong. You’re just stupid about boys. Boys are cool. They’re cool to look at. They’re cool to talk to. They’re just not cool to date. Whether or not you think they had bad intentions, they didn’t break your heart. It wasn’t going to last. No matter how romantic you think exchanging notes and subtle cheek kisses during the passing period is, you will come to learn that it’s stupid for you to focus your time and energy on middle school boys.
Stop tying up the back of your t-shirts with hair bands.
I’m begging you.
Stop hiding.
At your age, everyone has insecurities. Let loose, stop hiding who you are, and as cliché as it sounds, be yourself! These years may the years you find your best friends. Do you really want to deny yourself of that opportunity by acting like someone you’re not? Trust me, you’re not that lame.
Enjoy every second.
Thirteen really seems like an age that drags by, but soon enough, you’ll be sitting where I am now. From where I’m sitting now, everything that you worry about seems microscopic. Put your “problems” aside for just a moment and cherish those half-hearted warm-up laps you jog in gym class, that teacher that sent you to the office to change your short-shorts, and your pals you get to spend 30 minutes talking to while you stuff your face every day. Time moves fast and if you keep wishing it away, it just may come true.