You're starting your first semester at school and its prime time to make some new friends. So, after lots of awkward conversation and planning, you all decide to meet at the dining hall after class for dinner. As it gets closer to dinner time people in the group chat start dropping like flies, and its starting to look like you might have to make the dreaded decision of eating at the dining hall alone. You try again next week but instead of the group collectively making plans, you are the one who reaches out and tries again. This Time Hannah says she has to study, and Megan and Charles say they're super busy. A couple of minutes before dinner, you open Snapchat and Hannah is bar-hopping in center city, while Megan and Charles are getting ready to go to a frat party. So, you shamefully eat at the dining hall alone once again. Just you, Netflix, and soggy pizza. As the "Friends" theme song plays through your headphones, a tear sheds from your eye and you wish your friends didn't suck as much as they do. Okay, that's a little dramatic; however, if people flaking out on you becomes a routine, this is what you do. Drop them like a bad habit.
Every time this happens you might feel like it's your fault. You tend to take things personally, and that is completely normal; however, I am here to tell you that it is an extremely unhealthy thing to do. Instead of wallowing in your sorrows and blaming yourself for things that are out of your control, you should understand that unreliable people have their own problems. If you're tired of making the plans yourself and being told no, you should find other people who are trustworthy and take interest in actually doing things. Trust me they exist; it just takes a while to find them.
One thing that is important to know is that sticking with one friend group is not a good idea. Make sure you surround yourself with plenty of people just in case one friend group falls through. I remember when I was a freshman, I hung out with people that I met in an English class. I became so attached to these people to the point where I believed that they were going to be my best friends for life. As embarrassing as that sounds, I would constantly rely on these individuals for plans even when I knew they were not the most dependable. I would get so upset when I would coordinate plans to later be told "no" or "sorry we made plans already." Or, when you ask to chill with them, and they ghost you completely. If you're experiencing this, please with all your might, take Snoop and Pharell's advice into consideration. I have wasted an immense amount of time waiting on people who obviously did not care to develop friendships. So, If you come across someone who is consistently unreliable, stop and ask yourself "Is waiting around for them really worth it?"