Everyone is faced with the death of a loved one. It’s just something that is inevitable, kind of like aging. We try to stop aging, but in the end, we always wake up with a few more wrinkles or gray hairs than we went to sleep with. I'd like to share a few things to show how you can get over a loved one’s death and find happiness in a time of uncertainty and doubt. After the death of my grandmother, it honestly felt like it was the end of the world. If I had to describe the pain that I felt when I heard the news of her death, I would describe it as someone stepping on my heart and refusing to stop until I screamed; but, even when I screamed, the pain still didn’t stop. Not even a breakup could come close to the pain I felt. It’s as if my heart didn't beat the same anymore. We were so close, and as I write these words, I find myself holding back tears, but these things that I constantly told myself were what got me through the passing of my grandmother.
1. After the death of your loved one, understand that he/she is in a much better place.
It took me a while grasp the concept that my grandmother was gone, but once I did I knew she was in a way better place — a place that I would like to go to someday.
2. Understand that your loved one lived a full life.
My grandmother lived for over 96 years, and it honestly was still heart breaking to see her go. But I know she lived a complete life. Even if your loved one has died much younger than my grandmother did, you must still know that they lived the full life that God intended for them to live. God doesn’t make any mistakes, and He did not make any when He brought your loved one home to be with Him.
3. Remember the good days.
There was never a bad time with my grandmother. She was so inspiring. I can’t believe I am still functioning without her advice, but I know that over the years, she has instilled in me a piece of her that will forever inspire me to continue fighting.
4. Look forward to better days.
I honestly don’t remember anything that happened in the world when my grandmother passed. It was almost as if everything else didn’t exist. In that moment, I felt like the gray cloud will never leave. Just the idea that I would wake up and be able to breathe a little easier made that gray disappear a little faster and a little easier. Sometimes I find myself going back into a place that requires so much attention, and that’s just because I grow to miss her again. I’m pretty sure I always will, but I have to reset myself according to the things above. Without those things, I would have a very tough time dealing with the death of an angel.