If there's one thing college students know this time of year, it is the impending "doom" of finals week. A week filled with exams, testing your knowledge of the material from the last sixteen weeks of class. But even the week before finals week are filled with assignments like papers and group projects. All of these things cause stress and stress is a very cruel thing.
So how can we deal with the stress of finals week?
1. Take a time-out.
Listen to music, watch a show or movie, learn relaxation techniques, etc. Stepping back and taking a break from the problem, it can help to clear your head.
2. Get enough sleep.
When stressed, your body needs additional sleep and rest. Even if you think you’d benefit from pulling an all-nighters. Coffee may not always be your friend as it can trigger anxiety and panic attacks.
3. Take deep breaths.
Inhale and exhale, relax your mind and body. Count to 10 or even 20 if you have to.
4. Accept that you cannot control everything.
Put your stress in perspective: Is it really as bad as you think it is?
5. Try your best.
Because by aiming for perfection you're setting yourself up.
6. Welcome humor.
A good laugh can go a long way.
7. Maintain a positive attitude.
Make an effort to replace your negative thoughts with positive ones.
8. Set small daily goals.
Instead of studying the night before, make a plan to study small amounts several days in advance. Studying becomes a lot less stressful this way.
By using all or some of these tips, hopefully finals week will become a less stressful time. Find what works for you and hopefully you'll be successful with all your finals.