There is plenty of times in my life where I have felt like I have been missing out. Missing out on moments with friends and family. But also missing out on the things that I cannot control. It is so hard in life when I do miss out on important things. It is hard to be grateful at times when I do miss out, but i do try to do as much as I can.
I love being able to spend time with my friends at school. It is hard sometimes do to so because not all of our classes line up all the time. But we have learned to make it work, we make plans for when we are done with our classes. Having that time with them after a long day of Bio & Bio lab is special to me. But it is not fun when I do miss out on spending time with them.
Most certainly, my Mondays can get a little crazy at times because I go to mass at seven so that is in the evening when I am normally with my friends. So while I had to miss out on eating dinner with friends, I needed that one on one time with the Lord. That is one of the only times when it is out of my control, but it is something I have also made a focus in my life.
My crazy family that I love oh so much gets a phone call or text from me almost every day. Of course there are some moments that I miss spending time with them while I'm away at school, but they understand what I'm doing here is important. I do think I miss out on seeing them and my dog a whole ton (thanks to Facetime for making family FOMO a little easier).
I do think that it is hard to have FOMO but it is also easier to deal with when I take a minute to see how much I have experienced. Additionally, it has been easier to deal with FOMO through social media a little, so I'm I'm dying to see a concert I can watch it on snap chat from one of my friends. FOMO can be real at times, but if we all just take a minute to be grateful at what we have been able to do, then life will not be as challenging.