Disillusionment: the condition of being disenchanted:the condition of being dissatisfied or defeated in expectation or hope (Merriam-Webster). We all know the feeling: you're reading the breaking news from the day while simultaneously grappling with the idea that you are helpless to change anything. Unfortunately, we live in a very complex world that limits the average person's ability to enforce widespread change. However, there are steps that you can take to set yourself on the course of making an impact.
1. Recognizing your position
We often like to think that we are more powerful than we truly are. While some of us may actually have the means to make an immediate impact, many of us have obstacles in our way. These obstacles range from financial instability to lack of experience. Recognizing that the position you are in currently might be what is holding you back from making a difference is a great first step in doing just that.
2. Deciding your path
So you're now conscious of your position in society and the abilities that it presents (or doesn't present) for you to enact positive change. Next up is deciding whether you need to change your position or maintain it for a little while longer. If you're a student, odds are that you will decide to maintain that position for the sake of moving up the societal ladder in the future. However, there are things you can do to still make the best use of your time.
3. Finding your passion
Take some time and find what you believe in. Knowing what you want to fight for is the most important part. Seek out information from a variety of sources on all sides of an issue. Look for opportunities to learn more and get involved with others passionate about the same or similar issues.
4. Manage your time
Being an activist can be overwhelming and knowing when and where you can be most effective is key. A face-to-face meeting with a legislator may seem more impactful than collecting signatures for a petition. However, there is a chance that the legislator you are meeting is not going to support you whatsoever, whereas one of those signees could become an activist in their own right. Do your background research and keep a strict schedule to ensure the best outcomes for your activism.
Whatever the cause you decide to champion, make sure that you believe in it wholeheartedly. You don't have to be the most knowledgeable person about your cause in every room you walk into. Every change you make doesn't have to be worthy of a Nobel prize.