Over the years one of the most important things I've learned about myself is that I am incredibly effected by my environment. This includes my apartment, the people I'm surrounded by, and especially the weather.
It might sound a little silly, but it is actually incredibly serious. So many people struggle everyday with seasonal depression. Medically, it is called Season Affective Disorder and basically it means that people experience symptoms of depression beginning in the Fall and continuing through the winter months. It is almost as if these months drain the energy out of a person and make them tired and grumpy all of the time.
As I previously said, I am heavily impacted by my environment. I instantly feel better and feel like I can be more productive if my room is clean. I also feel calm and at peace when I sit on the couch after I had just spent the whole afternoon deep cleaning my apartment. Laying out in the sun gives me this blissful feeling that is hard to explain.
When I moved out on my own and faced my first winter alone I realized I needed to take a little bit more control over this issue. I was in such a funk. As the months went on I came up with a few ways to get over and get through SAD:
1. Notice the good things about the season. Get excited about going apple picking and getting to wear your favorite pair of Uggs.
2. Make nights-in enjoyable. Light your favorite candles. Stick a log in the fireplace. Brew your favorite cup of tea to curl up with on the couch while watching Sweet Home Alabama.
3. If you're an animal lover, get a pet. For me, having my cat to come home to on those cold nights makes me feel warm and cozy. Having someone to love and cuddle up with distracts me from the loneliness and darkness I can feel. If you have a significant other, lean on them to help you get through this.
4. This one is not recommended, definitely not by your doctor, but I go tanning. Getting in a tanning bed is like getting in a warm little cocoon which feels extremely good after a long cold winter day. I don't do it often, but if I am really struggling, this really helps.
5. Going along with the previous one, splurging on a pedicures once a month helps a lot as well. I could sit in that massage chair with my feet in warm water all day long.
6. Lastly, you have to discover your individual plan of attack. How are you going to attack the winter months? We are young and will face many winters. Don't let this control your life.