Nothing is more scarier than being anxious for no reason. Random thoughts causing you to breakdown at random times, going from happy to sad or mad to hysterical, spells of loneliness that cause you to think that no one loves you or cares about you, whether it be friend or family. You can have all the love in the world around you, but will still push people away for no reason. It just takes one trigger to create all these moments to happen in an instant.
In some cases it may feel like the world is against you and nothing ever goes right. You try your hardest to stay positive, but even when you do, it seems like there is always a dark cloud over you. Some may even feel like there are times they will never be happy or okay.
Sometimes you fear failure, but do nothing to be productive. You may want friends, but hate the idea of a social life. You want to be alone, but hate the thought of being lonely.
Your own thoughts can be your worse enemy. Thoughts can drown out reality, whether they be positive or negative, and make you be the person you would have never thought you would be. Sometimes it seems like you are gasping for air, but nothing is choking you. There is nothing closing off your windpipe or covering your nose and mouth.
My word of advice is try not to go through this journey alone. It is difficult and it is hard to speak about, but those who care will listen. These feelings and examples I noted are from personal experiences, which I do not mind expressing. Depression and anxiety cause so much internal turmoil that it makes me nauseated just thinking about it.
Suffocation alarm is an actual thing. Hard to believe, but it is true. It is an alert that is sent from the brain which is usually brought on by an anxiety attack. That's that feeling you get whenever you are having a panic attack and cannot breathe. Try to think about how that may feel on an everyday basis or multiple times a day.
All I can say is fight and live. Talk to people. Yeah I know -- easier said than done. You are fighting a battle with your own mind every single day. It is exhausting but shows how strong you are as an individual. Find your own happiness and do not be overwhelmed by endless sayings by your conscious. Tell your conscious what you have planned for the day.