The Deal With The Second Amendment | The Odyssey Online
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The Deal With The Second Amendment

"The right of the people to keep and bear Arms"—but do we deserve this right?

The Deal With The Second Amendment

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." - Second Amendment, United States Constitution

In recent news, violence and death has written our headlines and sparked the controversy of what should be done in means of gun control. There have essentially been three sides to this ongoing discussion, those who strongly believe in our right to bear arms with concealed carry permits, those who wish to add rules within the second amendment to see that those who do choose to carry are essentially deemed legally sane and able to carry, then there are those who refuse to pick a side because no matter what, someone has a gun and they don't want to open their mouths about it.

So far, my favorite relation to this heated topic was by Nev Schulman of MTV's series Catfish. Nev posted an anonymous quote back in October which sadly enough, still fits for today's events.

The big picture here is that those who abort have to plan, sit through the waiting period, understand the consequences of their action and consult with a doctor on what occurs with the abortion—the weapon in this case. Gun purchases are done with identification, maybe a letter of recommendation from a buddy and a background check. Not as many hoops. Now, I can still see everyone's point on the Second Amendment, and they're entitled to feel that the Amendment should remain as is because it is what this country had been founded on, but you see, America still has unbelievably outrageous numbers for death rates with guns. The point of Nev's post is that we go through so many rules and regulations with regards to our own bodies, why are we not instating similar "hoops" to what we are carrying on our own bodies and can heavily affect hundreds of lives in either a negative or positive way, depending on the way that you choose to utilize your fire arms.

There are no issues here with those who choose to receive permits for concealed carrying, but why is one person allowed to stock pile large weaponry? There are records stating the amount of firearms a singular person purchases, but how many is too many? Why are we not taking the steps to investigate the motives behind so many legally purchased guns and setting up psychological consults for the buyer? Yes, this may delay or terminate their opportunity to obtain a gun, but it could also benefit the safety of others if they are deemed unstable enough to carry. Guns are killing our people in masses, this is something that cannot be completely changed but instead, we have the ability to slow down the process of obtaining guns intended for homicides. Change for the better is still a change, no matter how small.

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