Whether it be relationship with the one you love, or it be with your best friend, knowing how to cope is a life saver. Long distance is not nearly easy, and at the beginning, there are all these thoughts running through your mind: What if you never talk again? What if they find someone better? What if you can never go back? Well, that’s not going to happen! Here’s what tips you should work on:
1. Communication
Communication is extremely important! That's the only thing that keeps you two together. Skype is the best to use, because you get to see each other and talk. Although, when you are tired, that's when unlimited calling comes in handy. Have that person on speaker and lay your phone right next to you on your pillow. And when that person is busy, texting is the best way. Don't worry about communicating every day, because when you talk next, it feels like you talked an hour ago. Trust me, my best friend and I talk maybe once a week.
2. Plans
Talk about what you will do next time you meet. I always tell my best friend the places I will take him: White Rock, Lonsdale Quay, or even just going downtown. I never know if he will come down to visit me, but at least we have something in mind. Even chilling at home is a perfect idea, just as long as that person is there.
3. Social Media
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat. These all are amazing apps to communicate with your partner. Snapchat is the best way to communicate, in my opinion. You can text and send pictures or videos so that person can see what is happening in your life. Facebook and Twitter are more for statuses and sharing, while Instagram has more throwback pictures with them and your own posts.
4. Be prepared
You or the other is leaving. Be prepared to say goodbye, but not forever. Spend as much time with that person as possible. Make memories, take pictures, write down notes, and fall in love with one another.
5. Cope
You are physically being separated, and mentally - that will hurt. Get yourself some tissues, get a comfy blanket and a hot cup of tea. This is not a breakup, but it will still hurt. I know it'll be hard, but you can do this! I believe in you!
(I miss you, Nathan.)