Ah, midterms. The most stressful part of the semester. Whether you are a college student or you care about one, please bare with us as we lash out and have mental breakdowns this week. Please don’t take it personally; instead, follow these guidelines to help us be functioning humans this week.
1. Be patient
Everybody gets stressed. Sometimes I lash out at people when I am stressed, but I have to remember this when people lash out at me. We are all stressed this week.
2. Don’t ask us to make big decisions
I don’t know whose decision it was to make advising meetings and club elections during midterms, but it was a bad decision. At this point, most of us are in survival mode. We genuinely care about you and our futures, but this is not a good emotional point for us to be making these decisions.
3. Snacks
Remind us that snacks fuel us because chances are, we aren’t eating very good meals this week.
4. Bring us coffee.
5. Remind us to think of the big picture
In the midst of stressful times, it is common to loose sight of the goal. It is important to remember the value that exists within our classes because of the career that we are preparing for. We are preparing to make a difference in our future careers.
6. Compliment us
This might sound shallow, but the compliments don’t have to be. A simple reminder that we are smart, determined, kind, and loved goes a long way.
7. Make us laugh
Funny jokes, memes, gifs, videos, and Snapchats are much appreciated.
8. Let us cry
Also essential.
9. Share a Netflix account
This will make study breaks more bearable and procrastinating easier to accomplish.
10. Pray for us
Prayer is the purest form of love. It helps immensely to be prayed for, because it calms us and gives us strength.
Family and friends, we love you and are grateful for your support of our educational endeavors. We promise to return to our normal, kind, functioning selves once the last test is taken, paper is written, and project is turned in.