Universities around the country have a week before final examinations that is called "Dead Week" or even "Review Week", to try to sweeten the deal and sugar coat the stress attack about to hit. Recently my university changed the name from Dead Week to Review week. I feel that this was in part because of the connotation that "Dead Week" can have. The following is the "rules" that teachers, at my university, are supposed to follow during Dead week:
"The review week policy for Fall 2016 is in effect from December 4 - 10, 2016. REVIEW WEEK POLICY (a.k.a. "Dead Week")
A. Review Week shall begin seven calendar days before test week begins and shall continue for seven calendar days.
B. No new major assignments such as papers or projects shall be given after the beginning of Review Week.
C. Quizzes will be allowed during Review Week over material presented no earlier than two class periods before the quiz.
D. Generally, there shall be no in- or out-of-class tests during Review Week (a test being defined as an examination that is of greater scope than a quiz). If the teacher and students see the need for a unit or chapter test in order to help the students by: 1. reducing the amount of material presented in the final test, 2. avoiding a buildup of tests the week prior to Review Week, and/or 3. assisting in their grade achievement endeavors, then a test may be scheduled during Review Week, provided the teacher and two-thirds of the class agree.
E. When it is necessary to move a regularly scheduled final test into Review Week, authorization must be obtained from the Associate Vice President for Academic Administration.
F. A few classes have no designated test time in the published final exam schedule, for example, lab courses and certain skills-based courses. In these cases, a final exam may be scheduled during Review Week at the discretion of the instructor and should be listed accordingly in the course syllabus" (Click on Review Week in the Calendar)
These rules tend to be followed only by a few teachers though. What is supposed to be a week of helpful information and a time to rest and prepare for the finals, ends up being even worse than the actual finals week! Dead week just ends up making you dead and weak. In order to get through this week, make sure to take time aside to relax and restore you energy. Do not end the dead week dead, end it with the energy to get through finals, then you can crash and burn.
Even though it seems impossible to get through this week with all the tests, quizzes (that are not supposed to be given) and assignments, last minute projects etc; WE CAN MAKE IT!
Just make sure to stay hydrated, fed, and get enough rest during dead week, and good luck!