It's Coming: 11 Ways To De-Stress Before Exam Week Begins | The Odyssey Online
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It's Coming: 11 Ways To De-Stress Before Exam Week Begins

It's Coming: 11 Ways To De-Stress Before Exam Week Begins

There is no space in the library. Every nook and cranny is filled with students and their enormous book bags. The trash cans are filled with empty coffee cups. Paper and pencils are strewn all over. Nearly all students know what this means. It’s coming.

Just hearing the fact that exam week is coming is stressful enough, nevermind the week itself. So, to save up all that stress for when it’s actually needed, here are 11 ways to de-stress before the final stretch of the semester.

1. Sleep

“What is this sleep you talk of?” No matter what your schedule, trying to get as close as possible to a good night’s sleep will give you that fresh boost of energy in the morning to power through all those papers and assignments. Besides, who doesn’t like sleep?

2. Plan Out Coffee Breaks

To avoid that midday or evening crash, or just plain breaking the bank with coffee overloads, make sure you strategize when you need that boost of miraculous energy. This way, you can keep the stress off from worrying about your health...or your cash.

3. Start Reviewing Slowly

While it may be the common urge to put everything off till the last minute, one way to battle out creeping stress is to studying the material (old to new) in little chunks overtime. It reassures you of what you know and can give you an idea of what you need to brush up on ahead of time. This means you don’t have to stress about whether or not you understood that formula you went over in calc class last week or if you have the periodic table memorized.

4. Go for a Walk

Nothing reduces stress better than taking a stroll alongside Mother Nature...or simply a walk around campus!

5. Dance...Sing...Laugh...Get Creative

Just let out all that pent up stress! And the best part? You can go solo or go all out with your friends. In any case, you won't be alone!

6. Watch an Episode (or two, or three, or the entire season) of Your Favorite Serial

Catch up on an episode of your favorite show or just relax with a movie to your liking. But just remember that you are taking a study break. Vacation is coming soon!

7. Read a Book (for fun!)

For those of you who may prefer a less technology oriented break! If you’re tired of staring at textbooks, take a step back and read a book you have heard about recently. Or, catch up on your favorite series. You’ll be building on your writing skills and vocabulary while de-stressing. Two birds with one stone.

8. Meditate

Take a deep breath. Relax. Know that you've got this. You know what you're doing.

Don't get too carried away though!

9. Catch Up on the News

From newspapers to the local or national TV news broadcast, hit the pause button on your hectic day and the play button on catching up with current events.

10. Do Absolutely Nothing

Whether it'd be chilling in a lounge chair or just staring off into space, take a momentary break from all the chaos before the real battle begins.

11. Know It's Almost Over

Time is ticking by! You can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel! Just a couple more pushes and you'll be free!

Keep running to the finish line like the wind!

We all know the struggles we're going to have to face with Exam Week. But with these tips in hand, you know you are ready to go out there and conquer those subjects like a master!

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