I think I speak for many people when I say every day comes with its own mood. Like on Mondays, you know not to talk to someone before their coffee, and on Saturdays don't expect a good morning text until noon. Who better to depict our everyday feelings than Eric Cartman? Between school, hanging out with his friends, verbally berating people, and coming up with some kind of plan, he is still just someone going through life, like us.
1. Monday
Mondays have such a bad rep. Whether it's work or school, Mondays bring the lovely ring of an alarm clock, hours before anyone should be functioning, followed by your best attempt at trying to make it through the day without falling asleep. The worst response you could get to your complaining; "It's only Monday" Don't remind me.
2. Tuesday
Now you're really ready for the week (Monday was the warm up of course). Walk into school focused, ready to slay the day (most of the time).
3. Wednesday
You're feeling slightly more optimistic because you're halfway there. Only two more days until you can be done with everything (until it starts all over again).
4. Thursday
FRIDAY EVE. At this point, you're already in weekend mode, so most things go in one ear and out the other. It's that time of the week where you're already so done with everything and want to go home.
5. Friday
Going home on a Friday ^
6. Saturday
Saturdays bring happiness. No waking up early, nowhere to go, you could stay home doing whatever. Binge Netflix, take naps (yes, multiple, because why not?
7. Sunday
After a weekend of relaxation or fun, the time has come to go back to reality... Sunday is the day when everyone is worrying about everything they have to do the next day. At least, that's how I spend my Sundays.