If you haven't seen the series The Office I would defiantly recommend for you to watch it, It is just an extremely funny and somewhat relatable show. During my winter break I watched about 7 seasons and am slowly but surely trying to finish the rest on Netflix. When you with the show you learn more and more about the main characters and I thought that on certain days i could relate to these characters throughout the week. So here is who I think would represent the days throughout our week.
Monday: Angela Martin
Think about it on Mondays you probably tend to be more cranky and uptight. You obsess over everything that goes wrong and don't want anyone else to be happy. You probably obsess about how you aren't still in bed with your pets wrapped up beside you.
Tuesday: Toby Flenderson![]()
On some or most Tuesdays I think I can relate to Toby the most, he tries to be a "go with the flow" kind of person but it just doesn't work out. Its the begging of the week and you just want to get through it as son as possible, this is how toby feels every day. On Tuesdays I tend to feel like its just a normal day. Toby is probably the most normal one on the show.
Wednesday: Jim Halpert ![]()
Congrats you are halfway through the work week! Jim is a fun and entertaining guy, he is always playing jokes on Dwight to get him through the day. Wednesday is when the work week starts to transition into a smooth and easy downward roll and Jim is the perfect example.
Thursday: Stanley Hudson
I think that Thursdays are my slowest moving days, It is the day I come to work or school because I have to but It moves so slow because I'm ready for the weekend!
Friday: Andy Bernard
I don't think I need to explain why Andy's character describes Friday so well but he is always having a good time no matter what day and is the most bubbly character on the show. He is the perfect character to explain how I feel about Fridays
Saturday: Michael Scott
Saturday is your day to be selfish with your time, you can do what you want and be the boss of your own day. Since Michael is a somewhat selfish boss I think his character was the perfect fit for Saturdays!
Sunday: Ryan Howard
Its the last day of your week, so you have a relaxing Sunday. You keep thinking about how you have to get up early in the morning the next day but still try to enjoy every moment and make it a productive day. Sundays are the sign off to one week and the start to new week.
I hope everyone has an awesome!. Be strong and don't work yourself too hard!