I really feel like there's no need for a description on this one. "The Office" perfectly describes the work week and the work place.
Don't touch me. Don't talk to me. Don't expect me to show up anywhere on time. I'm practically as useful as a slug.
If you can't find me, don't keep looking. I'm probably somewhere eating. In hiding.
HUMP-DAY! I'll be goofy all day. But I'll probably be angry too. It's still best to not talk to me.
It's almost Friday, but it's still not Friday yet. So its still a bad day. I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I'm ready for the weekend to start.
I'l have time to sleep when I'm dead. You'll likely find me on some body of water, with a drink in hand. The dream is a yacht with champagne. But I'll even settle for a bathtub and a glass of cheap wine.
I'll sleep till noon. I'll eat lunch. I'll take a nap. Sometimes on a float in the pool. I'll eat dinner. And I'll go to bed. It's delightful.
Sunday Evening
Somewhere between dinner and bed, that's where reality sets in. That's when like starts to stink again. #done
8 Fairly Obvious Signs Your Sister Is Actually, And Legitimately, Your Best Friend