8:00 a.m.: Wake up
Good morning world, I am ready to FEEL!
8:10: Realize that you will have a 13 hour day that includes both school and rehearsal
Damn, it ain't even 9 AM and I'm already tired.
8:40: Dress to allude to your character
Nothing better than wearing a cape down the streets of New York, am I right? Oh crap, I don't even have a cape?! HOW CAN I BE A BELIEVABLE VAMPIRE FROM THE 1600'S WITHOUT A CAPE?
9:00: Internal Freakout #1
Why am I even an actor? Why did I ever think I could make a living doing this? Am I FREAKIN' CRAZY?!
9:30: Get to studio half an hour early
What a great actor I am. How professional. JK I'm paranoid that I'll be just one minute late and the door will be closed on me and my life will be over forever.
9:45: Watch everyone prepare their scenes
Honestly, even though I'm an actor, it makes me uncomfortable having to watch people squat and yell at the wall about their dad or their cat or whatever.
10:00: First class
Here we go.
1:00: Lunchtime
I just sat through fifteen people try to do a British accent and cry about their dying fifth cousin removed and honestly, I'm not having it.
1:35: Internal Freakout #2
My Chekov scene that is about to go up is all consuming. It's all I can think about while eating my Hale and Hearty soup. I don't feel sufficiently alive to do this scene, and I'm afraid that my teacher will notice and rip me a new asshole because of this. Time to listen to some sad music and roll on the floor.
2:15: Scene time
Wow, I might just be delivering the best scene of my young career.
2:45: End of Scene
My teacher lets me know that I am the worst thing he's seen ever. It's not like I just put my soul on a platter and served it up for the world to see though, right? Ha ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.
3:15: Internal Freakout #3
3:16: Class
I realize that there are still two hours left of this class. I try to calculate how much each hour is worth money wise. Something like $400. This makes me deeply sad.
3:17: Internal Freakout #4
3:20: A Sudden Realization
I realize that I am enough. I am good. Fuck the haters. Wait, am I actually good? God, I feel ugly today. Why is that girl so pretty next to me? Why didn't I land those moments in my Chekov scene? I miss my parents. And my pets. Life would be easier if I had just liked math a little more. WHY IS THIS CLASS SO FREAKING LONG?
5:00: End of Studio Day
Jesus, lord, thank god. I can go home now! JK I HAVE REHEARSAL UNTIL THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.
6:00-10:30: Rehearsal
I nod my head, say my lines. Sometimes I feel in the zone, but I honestly have a migraine and a twenty page paper to write when I get home and also I have to memorize that ten page scene for next week and also, like, when do I have time to be myself and have some fun, oh wait, I don't and I honestly just need to watch Riverdale OKAY.
11:00: Finally home!
I crash onto my bed, cry for the sixth time today, change into my PJs, and start doing my homework.
2:00 a.m.: Bedtime
I think I finished everythi---oh fuck. I have to read that script. And that article. And I told my mom i would text my cousin happy birthday. Looks like I won't be sleeping tonight.