If at any point in your life you have had a part-time or even full-time job as a waiter/waitress, there is a very high likelihood that you have experienced the exact day I have outlined below.
So, it’s the start of your shift. You are feeling optimistic about the day. You’re going to have amazing customers, you will not mess up a single order, and you are going to make great tips. Let’s do this.
You approach your first few customers in great spirits. You offer them drinks, like coffee, and things seem to be off to a great start.
Takes out said drinks, spills them all on top of cute children and the elderly. Yep, your good day lasted for about five minutes.
You then turn around and see that one waitress who can carry 20 drinks at once handling all of her tables perfectly without breaking a sweat. It’s fine. You’re fine.
Now it is at the point in the day that you are getting real tired and don’t seem to find as much fault in being sassy with your customers.
In your head, you are silently cursing the customer that orders something weirdly specific that isn’t even on the menu and then complains that it was made wrong when you bring it out to them.
This is you trying to get the last customer out the door who happened to walk in and order 10 minutes before closing time.
Thank GOODNESS it is the end of the day. You should be sweeping your tables, but instead, you just have to dance a little jig because you survived the day in the life of a waitress once again.