To anyone who suffers from depression,
I’m not going to say I’ve been in your shoes because every person fights their battles differently, and your experience is unique. However, I know where you are coming from. I know what it’s like to wake up in the morning and not feel like getting out of bed is worth it, and to feel exhausted at every waking moment without doing much of anything. I have cried until there weren’t any tears left. I have felt that ache in your stomach that can’t be explained or dissolved. I know what it means to push all friends and family away and to isolate yourself. I have had days where I forgot what happiness felt like and couldn’t imagine a future for myself, and also felt too unmotivated to do anything that would give myself a future. I know what it feels like to hate yourself and the life you are living.
I also know what it feels like to love life, to laugh yourself to tears, to have a heart filled with passion and so much excitement for tomorrow, and to strive to be your own best friend. I’m not going to give you the cliche “it gets better speech” because you probably have heard it too many times before, but I am going to tell you what I wish I knew during my depression.
You’re not wrong. You are probably constantly hearing that other people have it worse, that you have no right to feel sad, and that you should just “get over it”. Whoever is telling you these things is uneducated, and quite frankly, ignorant. Your feelings are entirely valid. Do not let someone make you feel bad about what you are feeling, because unless someone is walking in your shoes they have no right to judge you.
Do what you have to do to feel better. As long as it is healthy, take the measures you need to take in order to be alright. It is not your fault that you’re suffering right now, and if you need therapy, medication, or any other treatment to get better it is not a shameful thing at all. If you need to pull away from a certain place, activity, or even person temporarily that is okay. Sometimes it is vital to recognize what is negative and let it go for a while, even it is something that you love and is important to you, and then let it back until your life when you feel that you can. As much as you can though, it’s important to continue doing the things that bring you joy and spending time with the people who uplift you.
You will be surprised at who will be supportive. Some of the people you least expect to will understand exactly where you are coming from, and even if they don’t you might be surprised at who does everything they can to learn about what you are going through, and be supportive anyway. Almost everyone knows someone who has been through something like this, So reach out to literally anyone in your life who you feel comfortable talking to, and never be embarrassed. After you reach out to the first person, it becomes so much easier to keep talking.
Take care of yourself. Basic self care can do more than you can imagine to help you through this. Eating healthy, drinking water, exercising, and getting the right amount of sleep is just as important as any treatment you’re completing for your depression and can only positively add to it. If it’s too overwhelming, just take baby steps. Every day try to force yourself out of bed to do something, even if it’s just taking a shower, even if that seems like the most stressful task in the world. Bring sunlight into your room if you can’t get yourself outside. Sit up in bed and read or do something else productive if staying up does not seem like an option that day.
You’re not going to feel this way forever. I know I said that I was not going to make this point, but it is cliche for a reason. Nothing lasts forever. I can promise you that one day you’re going to look back on these times and be amazed because of how differently you view your life now. You will be so thankful that you did not give up because of all of the times you have laughed, fell in love, made a new friend, played with an animal, traveled, or eaten your favorite food. One day you’re going to be so grateful you made it through your darkest period, not because you never feel sad anymore, but because along with feeling sad you feel joy, love, and hope.
So, to anyone suffering from depression, just keep pushing through because even though it doesn’t feel like it, you’re going to be okay.
Someone who has come out the other side