The First Day of Fall | The Odyssey Online
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The First Day of Fall

Flannels, pumpkins, and candy corn.

The First Day of Fall

I am a significantly happier person from September-January. Why you may ask? It's the cold weather and holiday season. I know there are a lot of people that love the summer and beaches and that's great and all, but the holidays are the happiest time of the year! And the first day of fall is officially the season of happiness.

First, lets just review a few basic Tumblr meme activities that you can do in the fall. Pumpkin patches, I mean c'mon who the hell doesn't love the pumpkin patch? There are pumpkins, apple cider, hay rides, cute little kids dressed as pumpkins and candy corn. You can go to orchards and pick apples all day long in your cute little flannel and L.L. Bean boots and get your friends to take candid pictures of you. #FallAF. You can go to haunted houses that you secretly love to hate and bring your boyfriend so you can bruise his arm with a death grip while going around a corner. Carving pumpkins is so hard but who the hell cares cause it's so fun! You could carve a circle in a pumpkin and call it a day as long as you do it with people you love. Also, who doesn't love to pretend that pumpkin guts are something out of a horror movie that you can throw on your friends?

Oh and don't even get me started on fall apparel. Extremely large scarfs? Yes, girl, yes. You look ugly today? Wrap that scarf up to your eyebrows and head out the door. Leggings. I cant even put into words how I feel about leggings. They are fashionable pajama pants that go with literally everything, go buy a pair. Flannels, more importantly, your boyfriend's XL flannel. Yeah, pair that with leggings and boots and your basically a beautiful lumberjack. Vests. They give you no warmth, I mean who the hell decided to cut off a jacket's sleeve? Anyway, pair that with any long sleeve t-shirt and you automatically go from a 3 to 7 on the fashion scale.

And how can we forget about fall scents? Every year I drop so much money on autumn flavored candles. Pumpkin Spice, Vanilla Almond Falling Leaves, Fire pit Flannel Pumpkin, Maple Leaf Pumpkin, the list goes on. It doesn't matter if they all smell the same, I want to bathe in them. Oh looky there, Target has pumpkin spice body wash? Done, where's the checkout.

All in all, fall is a ball (yeah I know, I couldn't help myself). Bring out the large comfy clothes, grab some pumpkins and snuggle up with friends and family. Oh and don't forget the hard apple cider.

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