On February 8, 2018 Emory University will kick off its second annual Day of Giving with the challenge of deciding whether the Emory community is 'All In' with the University's objectives.
If there is one thing working at Telefund has taught me, it would have to be that it is amazing what a few people willing to donate a Mcdonald's meal's worth of money can accomplish. Last year, the 24-hour fundraising campaign proved to be a huge success, commencing directly after the inauguration of President Sterk and ending with over $500,000 being raised. Contributors included students, faculty, alumni, parents, and a host of other participants, all of whom funded student scholarships, campus clubs and organizations, academic programs, research, and patient care.
Many people believe that the Emory machine is primarily funded by tuition costs and the endowment; however, alumni, parent, and faculty support play a large role in providing access to the Emory experience as well as cultivating that experience. Unlike the endowment, donations are unrestricted funds that go directly back into the community. With separate funds for nearly every school, research, campus life (clubs, frats, etc.), and even hospital support, the school has made an effort to ensure that every donation will support its specific intended area in the university. Also, due to Emory's status as a non-profit, it is possible for donations to be included in tax write-offs*.
Our ties to Emory begin with each other. From the organizations that enrich our experiences, to the friendships and relationships we build, to the teachers and mentors that help to teach us and grow us into who we are, this place, and its future, begins and ends with each and every one of us. And the Day of Giving campaign really addresses the nature of putting our money into the mouths (and hands) that feed us. As a student that would not be able to afford to go to Emory without scholarships, I have decided to be an ambassador this year in the hopes of spreading the word and inspiring others to support practices like these that directly impact the lives of others. Donations do not have to be large, even gifts as small as $5 can be helpful (and donations may be included in tax write-offs), as every cent counts. On the day of, there will be real-time tracking of funds raised as a testament to the importance of every cent.
Visit https://allin.emory.edu for more information. If you are interested in donating, you can go here to make sure your two cents are finally heard and appreciated.
*varies from case to case