Every single night, I lay awake thinking about what could’ve been, or what could be. I look back on the things I could’ve said to make a conversation go better, or maybe thinking about if I said something wrong to a person I just met that might make them not like me. Every day, I worry and worry and worry about stuff I have no control over.
What’s the point of getting worked up and stressed about something you can’t change? Yes, I am sure you would love to go back and take back the time you tripped in front of your crush or saying something rude to your best friend in the heat of the moment. You could say sorry, but at the end of the day, it could still be something that bothers you.
People need to look up and live in the moment. Take life day by day cause you never truly experience life to the fullest of you’re always worried about the past. Stop being so caught up in the past. You can’t go back, nor should you want to. Everything happens for a reason and I truly believe that. Something you wish you could change from the past just might be the reasoning for the best thing that will ever happen to you.
I am here to tell you that while, yes, it smart to make plans out your success according but that it is okay to live life day by day and see what each day brings you. No, you’re not perfect, but you’re not your mistakes. So keep your head up, and keep stepping forward because, in reality, you can’t go back in time even if you wanted to.