It's the first day of classes. Of course, yours is an early morning one on the far end of campus. You stayed up way too late the night before and are beyond exhausted. Hasn't the professor ever heard of classes starting after 10 in the morning? So you crawl out of your dorm and sort of stumble into the classroom like. The professor starts to speak but you're just like:
Then, as your professor continues, you're starting to realize that your pal might have been exaggerating when they told you they were an "easy" grader, and that the class would be a breeze. You just sort of sit there all:
And then, this instructor does the unthinkable: they finish up the syllabus in the first 10 minutes of class and then jump into chapter one. You clutch your Starbucks to you. You're devastated. You look like this:
After what seems like an eternity, the class finally ends and you make your exhausted way to the next one. That drags on, and when it's over, you at last have some time for lunch. You run into the dining hall, famished:
Then you make sure you have some leftovers to take with you. You got two more classes today. You're gonna need all the sustenance you can get:
In your next class, your professor informs you that there will not be any extra credit this semester, because they don't "believe" in extra credit. Also there's gonna be a quiz next class on the ridiculous amount of reading they assigned you. You're done. You just sit there like:
Finally, all your classes are done for the day. But now you have this massive amount of homework. You try to put it all off, even deluding yourself into thinking you don't have anything to do:
But you can't escape for long. The closer it gets to you needing to go to sleep, because you're exhausted, the more you realize you actually really need to finish this homework. Who gives this much homework on the first day of class?! It's making you nuts:
After a bit more procrastinating, you finally take on your workload like the boss ass student you are:
Before you know it, you've finished all your assignments, sending them right back to the Upside Down where they belong:
You've had a rough first day. And the rest of the semester might seem like it's gonna be rough, too. But with your totally capable skills, you know you're gonna be able to conquer anything! Just remember to lean on your friends if you need them: