The Tuscaloosa Airport Is T-Town's Hidden Weekend Treasure | The Odyssey Online
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The Tuscaloosa Airport Is T-Town's Hidden Weekend Treasure

Airplanes, soccer and BBQ, oh my! The perfect way to spend a Saturday.

The Tuscaloosa Airport Is T-Town's Hidden Weekend Treasure
Rachel Olson

The Tuscaloosa Airport is the place to be on a nice sunny day. This hidden gem is an island of Tuscaloosa tucked away by the city of Northport. It isn’t as big as Birmingham’s airport nor is it busy like Atlanta; however, it is a cozy little place. The Airport Loop is a popular destination for cyclists, whether it is to add miles to the Sanders Ferry Route or as a starting point to County High and beyond.

Riding down Robert Cardinal Road, a small airplane greets visitors as they turn the corner to enter. To the left, there is a small park with play equipment, picnic tables and a few BBQ pits. If you’re lucky, there will be a raging soccer game in the small clearing. To the right is a small baseball field that is virtually hidden until a game brings it to life.

The airport is one of the safest places in town with a sheriff’s station, the police academy and a fire department. Both the TPD and sheriff’s helicopters are kept in a private garage. It is very peaceful to stop and watch a multitude to planes landing and taking off. It's not an uncommon sight to see people running or walking around the loop ranging from police officers, ROTC cadets, firefighters and moms pushing their children around in a stroller.

The Tuscaloosa Airport is a wonderful place for families to come and enjoy themselves after a long day of work. The beautiful backdrop of airplanes creates a serene mood that has the ability to mesmerize anyone who sees it. After enjoying the scenery for so long, it can be hard to not want to get in the cockpit yourself and leave Earth for a little while. There is also a flight school right across the street for anyone who wants to fly the open skies themselves.

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