Democratic Vice Presidential pick Tim Kaine was introduced on day 3 of the Democratic National Convention. President Obama passed the torch to Hillary. Biden went after Trump. Day 3 went somewhat as it was expected to go. If you were a Democrat, you were probably pumped up and excited about the election..well unless you are still standing firm with the Bern. Many Bernie supporters in the crowd are still holding fast to their hope of Bernie.
Video from PBS.
This was without a doubt the biggest speech of Kaine's life, thus far. He told a bit of his life story. He used some Spanish to help tell his story, and that really seemed to appeal to the crowd.
Kaine completely went after Trump. Being someone who is #nevertrump, this appealed to me and I laughed at his remarks. However, his speech was pretty flat compared to the other speakers of the night.
Kaine falsely referred to economist Mark Zandi as "McCain's chief economic advisor during the '08 race," in an estimate of job loss under Trump's proposals when Zandi is a Democrat. (
Kaine also claimed that Trump "wants to abandon" our NATO allies. Trump has stated that he doesn't want the U.S. to leave NATO, but has suggested he would not automatically defend NATO allies that do not pay their share of defense costs.
Video from PBS.
Biden made a case for Clinton, but even more so he made a case as to why you shouldn't vote for the Trump. The Washington Post headline even read: “Joe Biden delivered the Donald Trump takedown nobody else could.”
Biden walked on the stage to the Rocky theme song, which was appropriate considering all the punches he threw.
Video from CBS.
President Obama tried to make the case for Hillary in his speech. The race between Clinton and Trump is very close right now. Democrats have not won three presidential elections in a row since 1948.
“I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman — not me, not Bill, nobody — more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America,” Obama said.Yet in his 2008 campaign ad he said "Hillary Clinton. She’ll say anything, and change nothing. It’s time to turn the page. Paid for by Obama for America." Which is it Mr. President?
Obama claimed under his administration, "we finally began to wean ourselves off of foreign oil," but dependency on imported oil had begun to drop years before he took office. (
President Obama kept repeating a boast that the United States had "doubled our production of clean energy" during his time as president. Production has only gone up 40 percent. (
Obama also made the claim that deficits have "come down" under his administration. This actually is true, but they are expected to rise again under his proposed budget. (
Tonight we will hear from Hillary herself. This should be interesting.