Davood Roostaei’s Paintings Offer an Out-of-This-World Visual Experience
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Davood Roostaei’s Paintings Offer an Out-of-This-World Visual Experience

The Contemporary art era has not fallen short of brilliance either, with innovation continuing its momentum even in modern times when the discipline of art is not the only popular subject. Davood Roostaei, a U.S. based artist, has brought a new definition of innovation with his unique style – Cryptorealism.

Davood Roostaei, Nirvana, 1994. Courtesy of Pashmin Art Gallery. © Davood Roostaei.
Davood Roostaei, Nirvana, 1994. Courtesy of Pashmin Art Gallery. © Davood Roostaei.

Throughout the history of art, there have been myriad periods and movements which have been groundbreaking in effect. From the likes of, Renaissance to Impressionism, the advent of art throughout history has brought many monumental works and associated artists.

The Contemporary art era has not fallen short of brilliance either, with innovation continuing its momentum even in modern times when the discipline of art is not the only popular subject. Davood Roostaei, a U.S. based artist, has brought a new definition of innovation with his unique style – Cryptorealism.

Cryptorealism, popularized by Roostaei is an art form that directs the eye beyond the apparent picture to penetrate its depths. It opens the human eye to dimensions that aren't physically apparent or detailed on the surface level.

Roostaei cleverly captures the true essence of his subject matters. His work demands the viewer to break free from the first layer to observe what is being depicted behind the curtain. For the artist, it is not about a quick glimpse or view of the work; he wants viewers to observe details more closely, and delve into the work by offering them a pathway to decode the inner levels of creativity.

Roostaei introduces a deeper level of contemplation with Cryptorealism, and the viewing experience of his paintings leave both an immediate and a lasting impact on the viewer. The paintings he creates, bring a clever use of colors. He also incorporates symbols and figures which are scattered in among the kaleidoscope. Such details create visually balanced and uniformity in his compositions.

For Roostaei, the visual experience is a whole process. The process between the viewer setting sight on painting and interpreting its meaning is carefully crafted. Not only Roostaei can dictate what happens on the canvas but control the viewing experience through the emphatic technique of Cryptorealism.

Cryptorealism offers a novel perspective of both art and reality. It distinguishes the two aspects and directs the viewer to think a certain way. At first glance, his paintings appear to be somewhat abstract, but the longer you observe them, the more you are bound to marvel at the glory of Cryptorealism causing an exotic viewing experience.

The renowned American art historian and critic, Albert Boime, described Cryptorealism as a kind of magical eclecticism that is also a game of hide-and-seek that Roostaei plays with the viewer in his Cryptorealistic paintings. He paints compositions from eccentric angles and viewpoints and often depicts forms that metamorphose in a twinkling of an eye. Roostaei's work consistently discloses disguised and reversible imagery that sends the viewer on an optical steeplechase. His energetic spatial fields fairly explode with dense imagery and spattered paint, combining a kind of Jackson Pollock approach with the old masters and popular imagery. Roostaei constructs multiple perspectives through the overlaying of levels of images in his paintings, which he then covers by a veil of exuberant splashes of color giving his work an energetic and primal effect, made even more so by the fact that he does so all without a brush - using only his fingers to create each piece.

Roostaei values uncertainty and often critiques all forms of certainty and authority. To him, ambiguity and contradiction are essential to his craft. He prefers to construct meaning beyond the obvious, often bringing together and layering contradicting perspectives as he believes there are always uncertainties and hidden elements and layers in every situation. Roostaei emphasizes that his paintings do not only involve what is visually perceptible but attempt to also capture the soul and true essence of whatever his subject matter might be.

The artist has also championed various noble causes internationally. He has donated the proceeds of some of his most sought-after paintings to the charities he most deeply believes in. This support has provided assistance for causes such as the children of Chernobyl, children hurt in accidents and suffering from vascular disease, AIDS assistance programs, and the hospice movement. In the year 2000, he donated to the orphanage house called Gemeinnütziges Jugendwerk unfallgeschädigter Kinder in Hamburg the proceeds of his painting titled "Light & Shadow" purchased by Hamburg City Hall for $300,000. Roostaei's artistic oeuvre includes sculpture as well as the Cryptorealistic paintings. He seems likely to live on in his work and his deeds.

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