Dear Dad,
I never stopped loving you. I cringe at the first sign of conflict, feeling my heart break into pieces because a good man can make an awful mistake.I fear things that I never thought I would because of what I watched happen to our family years ago. I do not hate you although at times I am sure you felt like I had. I do not resent you, in fact, I believe that our situations made me love you more. When you first came back to mom and the tears stopped filling her eyes and the peak of a smile began to fill her face, I was angry. I was young and didn't understand how to cope with such a difficult situation so I turned to pushing away from you as far as I could, only sending myself to the deep end where I couldn't touch. Where I lost myself and felt more uncomfortable with who I had become but what made me love you more was not the way that you made mom smile but was the way you saved me from drowning. I didn't see the path that I was headed down when I filled my heart with hate but you did. No matter how much I seemed to have disliked you, you never gave up. You tried your hardest to make things right and never stopped showing your love for our family. You fought for me to show you love again when I didn't want to.
You were patient, when I acted out towards you and the family. You admitted to your wrong doings and you became the best father that a family could ask for. I can say that I am lucky enough to have a father who was man enough to admit his wrong and become an even better person because at the end of the day it isn't about the mistakes you made it is about the person you are after them. So dad, I want you to know you have always been a role model to me. Always know that you have the kindest most giving heart and I haven't and will never stop loving you.
Every one deserves a second chance, so never miss out on the opportunity to make things right with your loved ones especially when all they are ever trying to do is make themselves better and be your shoulder to lean on when times get tough.