You have probably been asked before if you were a Type-A or Type-B personality. People who are considered to be "Type A" tend to be impatient, competitive and ambitious. They know exactly what they want to do and when they want to do it. Then there are people who are considered "Type B." People with Type-B personality are just all around more relaxed. There isn't much that is going to stress them out.
For as long as I can remember, I have had Type-A personality. To me, I am totally normal, but most people would consider me uptight.
Dating a "Type-A" girl can get pretty intense, especially if you're more of a Type-B. A Type-A girl is going to do things that make no sense to you. You just have to understand that it is the way she is. Hopefully, you can learn to love her flaws and all.
Here are some things you should know about dating girls with Type-A personality.
1. There is no "going with the flow."
I know you probably enjoy just coming and going as you please and not having any set plans, but that won't really work for her. She needs to know in advanced the exact time and details so she can plan it all out.
2. Anything can be made into a big deal.
There are going to be things that you wouldn't even give a second thought about that she is going to stress out about. It is just the way she is. I know it may get annoying but it's just because she cares so much even when she shouldn't.
3. Don't make her wait.
She has the constant feeling she's racing against the clock. There are only 24 hours in the day, and she has a million things she wants to get done in that time. Whether it's waiting in a long line or being stuck in traffic she is guaranteed to be on edge.
4. Planners and to-do lists are her life.
Being able to put down on paper exactly what she needs to do and when helps calm her.
5. Her idea of relaxing is probably different from yours.
Type-A personalities generally don't enjoy relaxing. It is hard for them to just sit there and do nothing. They just want to get things done and move on. Even when they do finally "relax" it's probably them sitting there writing a check list of the things they need/want to do.
6. She probably has her whole life figured out.
She knows what she wants to go to college for, all the classes she plans on taking, how long before she gets married, how many kids she will have—every single detail.
7. Everything is a competition.
People with Type-A personality are constantly trying to better themselves and be the best version of them they can possibly be. Chances are she will also try to be the best one in every situation. She may get a bit overboard but just know she has the best intentions.