Bipolar Disorder is defined as a mental disorder marked by alternating periods of elation and depression. Although this is true, a person with Bipolar Disorder is so much more than that definition. And that's just one of the things you need to know if you're in a relationship with someone who suffers from Bipolar Disorder.
1. Our moods will switch at the drop of a hat
This is just in the nature of Bipolar Disorder. It can either be mania and depression or mania and anger. But please know this: we cannot control our mood flips. They are beyond our control just like what we do in our swings.
2. We cannot control what happens in our swings
Especially found in anger swings, words are spoken, actions performed, and other things are done that we cannot control. In that 40-minute period of complete and unstoppable rage, we have no clue what we're doing and how to stop. It's only after the swing is over, after we see the aftermath, that we know what has happened. But none of what happens is the true us.
3. We need extra attention and reassurance
Bipolar Disorder is a monster and everyone and anyone who suffers from it knows that. We need what may seem "excessive" love; extra hugs, kisses, even just a simple "Hey, I love you," text randomly in the middle of the day. We need to know that someone still loves us and accepts us when we may not love and accept ourselves.
4. It doesn't take a lot to get us upset but it does take a lot to make us leave
People with Bipolar Disorder are fighters and we fight like hell. Yes, little things might piss us off or make us sad, but we will stick by you through everything and anything. It will take an earth-shattering reason to make us walk away.
5. We will love you unconditionally
Bipolar Disorder is a monster but the people diagnosed with it are not. We are emotional, we are creative, we are fighters, and we are lovers. We will stay by your side until the end of time, even if times get tough.