2. Saying "please" and "thank you" | The Odyssey Online
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8 Things You Know, And Do, If You're Dating A Server Or Bartender

There are just expectations your significant other learn to follow if they have someone special in the service industry.

8 Things You Know, And Do, If You're Dating A Server Or Bartender

As a bartender and server, I've had boyfriends in the past who had no idea what they were getting themselves into. The evening night shifts, "I'm off work" texts after 3 a.m., the crazy stories, etc. Overtime, they become accustomed to what it means to be a good guest in a restaurant. These are just a few things our significant others have learned dating us folks in the service industry. And for that, we thank you.

1. Leaving a proper tip whenever you go out to eat

Some people still don't fully understand that people in the service industry make their money through tips. All my servers out there know the feeling of getting no tip from a table, which is why people dating servers will without a doubt leave a great tip wherever they go out to eat. That's great, too! We taught you all so well.

2. Saying "please" and "thank you"

I know what you're thinking, all people say "please" and "thank you," but that's not the case necessarily for everyone. Recognizing your server's existence, eye contact and please and thank you's come a long way and make a person feel more important. Thanks to all the server and bartender's significant others, we now have friendlier faces to put us in a great mood!

3. Patience and understanding

There will be days where the restaurant is slammed and I cannot get to a set of people as quick as I'd like. Rather than getting frustrated with the server, those special people tend to wait more patiently and are more understanding. I'm sure they've seen their significant other drowning at work, too. For being so understanding, we thank you.

4. Just because we're server food and drinks doesn't mean there aren't challenges to the job.

I get it, to some people, bartending and serving looks like a breeze. It can be, too, if you're good at it. But just like any other career, we work hard to make each and every customer happy. And it's a lot of work! For the strangers that bash people in the service industry and think it's a cake walk, it's not. For the significant others who date the lovely people in this industry, you know we work hard and we appreciate it.

5. We are not morning people

For my servers and bartenders working those late night shifts, I see you! When you go to work at 5 or 6 in the evening and work till 2:30 a.m. you shouldn't expect us to be an early riser. We love our sleep & our significant others recognize and understand this reality.

6. We aren't flirting with our customers, we're doing our job

I can see how people think we are flirting with customers, but we're doing our job. Being kind, having a big smile & listening to what people have to say come with the job. It's fun, too! Server and bartender's significant others understand it comes with the career. Do other people expect us to get our tips by acting cold towards everyone other than their person?

7. Weekends are not the time to plan evening dates

For bartenders and servers, our biggest nights earning money are Friday and Saturday nights. For everyone else, it's time to unwind and relax. Our significant others know by now that weekends will never be free. But who doesn't love a nice date on a Tuesday night, am I right?

8. We always have the best stories

Significant others to a bartender or server should just expect at least one crazy story per-shift. You never know what type of people will walk into a bar. And for that reason alone, we never know what to expect, but it always makes a great story.

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